Making watermark

Please help, how can I make watermarks , do you have any detailed instructions. on your site I cannot find complete instructions how to use the Premium application.

Save product in a specific category

Hey Community! After I bought your premium plugin, I am faced with a small problem. I had previously optimized the freeware version quite well in the code. The premium plugin is a lot better, the code but also more complex I want the products created in the frontend to be assigned to a single category […]

Facebook Pixel Pro code showing on page

I am trying to use the paid version of your plugin for FB pixels. I have put in code on the pages in the specific section to put code (this is the code: fbq(‘track’, ‘Lead’, { content_name: ‘Auto Insurance’, content_category: ‘Quote’, value: 40.00, currency: ‘USD’ }); And it literally shows on the top of the […]


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